Methane Storage’s growing role
Because it’s virtually identical to natural gas, methane’s role in our world’s economy is becoming increasingly necessary and important. Methane can actually replace natural gas. It can be used to run generators or in heating facilities.
Where/How do we get methane we so sorely need? Many processes across the world generate methane. But currently, most methane comes from sewage treatment plants. They produce it, then store it in specially designed methane storages.
Monolithic has been building methane storages for city sewage treatment plants, in various locations, for more than 25 years. See a sample of Monolithic’s Dystor methane storage projects.
Our world today demands the use of more methane and more methane use demands more methane storage. The cattle industry produces huge amounts of methane, that, in the past, was simply released into the atmosphere. Now companies are building digesters to digest cattle waste. Methane is first stored and then burned in big generators, and the leftover waste is then used as fertilizer. This is far more beneficial to our world than just allowing the methane to drift into the sky. Methane is considered far more harmful to our environment than carbon dioxide.
Huge composting sites that cover hundreds of acres are also producing methane. The waste from our civilization is composted and, where possible, methane is captured and stored for use in generators and/or heating.
Today we have companies that can take waste tires and subliminate them. In one step, they actually convert the tire from a solid to a gas. Obviously tire parts, such as the steel cording, don’t get turned into methane, but the biggest part of the tire is transformed into methane that can then be utilized for power. This same thing happens with virtually every other organic waste product.
We are beginning to see more such projects, along with methane storages, used at many locations, and many more on the drawing boards.
Monolithic Methane Storages
Monolithic designs and builds methane storages. They are shaped as three-fourths of a sphere with a flat bottom attached to a flat concrete pad.
They consist of two Monolithic Airforms. The outer Airform is kept inflated at all times. It protects the inner Airform and provides the space that the inner Airform needs in order to operate.
As methane enters the storage, the inner Airform rises and falls within the outer Airform. A totally empty storage will lay flat on the floor, but this does not happen often. Most of the time, the inner Airform continues rising as it fills.
Monolithic’s 25 years of experience in designing and building a methane storage that meets the needs of a specific project is an immense advantage to the customer.
Please contact us: [email protected] or 972-483-7423 or visit We are most anxious to make this a better world by using methane, rather than releasing it into the atmosphere.
View Printable Methane Bubble Diagram PDF

A concrete foundation to support the Monolithic Methane Storage Bubble is poured in proximity to the Methane Production Tank and near a Generator that will power the farm/ranch. (Barry Byers)

The Inner Airform is attached to the foundation and pipes are welded to the base. (Barry Byers)

The Outer Airform is then attached to the foundation and over the Inner Airform. (Barry Byers)

The Outer Airform is filled with pressure-controlled air using hoses connected to a separate air supply system. (Barry Byers)

Air pressure is released through the Air Return Hose, allowing the Inner Airform to fill with methane gas piped in from the Methane Production Tank. (Barry Byers)

The Inner Airform can be completely filled with methane gas consuming the entire Monolithic® Methane Storage bubble. (Barry Byers)

Air is pumped into the Outer Airform, using the Air Pressure Hose, forcing the Inner Airform to pipe out methane gas that will be used to fuel a generator. The generator will provide electrical power to the entire farm/ranch. (Barry Byers)