When it comes to homes, Monolithic does not believe in one size or one style fits all. Your Monolithic Dome home can be everything you need and everything you want in the home of your dreams. It can be small and cozy or spacious and luxurious; one-storied or multistoried; at ground level, totally underground or earth-bermed; built in virtually any location and environment.
Flexibility is the key idea behind our home designs. The interior of your Monolithic Dome home can be partitioned into rooms or areas that fit your needs and wants. Moreover, that inside space can include just about anything — indoor swimming pool or sauna, game or exercise room, theater, separate apartment, office, home-based business, home-based school, etc.
Because a Monolithic Dome is so well built and insulated, your home will be energy-efficient, disaster-proof, virtually maintenance free, durable and cost-efficient.
To read More About the Monolithic Dome Home, click here!
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The Disappearing Dome — This a Monolithic Dome with a diameter of 55 feet and three stories. The Disappearing Dome overlooks Lake Michigan.

Harrisonville Dome — Even though the O’Dells downsized from 2000 to 1200 square feet, the Harrisonville Dome is the perfect retirement home.