How do I find insurance for a Monolithic Dome?

When you call for insurance on a Monolithic Dome, you have to remember the agent will not have a page in his book for Monolithic Domes. He will have a page for an “all masonry constructed” building. The buildings are constructed with reinforced concrete walls and roof.

You need to be prepared to tell the agent what materials are utilized for the interior framing. Is it steel studs and sheet rock. If there are second floors — are they made out of concrete, steel, or wood. You should also be prepared to tell them that the roofing is single ply roof membrane. This is the roofing system that is used on many commercial buildings.

Ask several companies about insurance, not just one. Remember do not get off in deep water about your exciting new Monolithic Dome, just stick with an all masonry constructed building. If you do the above you will get the lower cost insurance fitting the safety advantages of a Monolithic Dome.