Domes: A Model of Sustainability

News articles are supposed to contain all the most important information about a topic in the “lead” or first paragraph of the story. Chris Sweifel very succinctly sums up the key advantages of Shotcrete domes in his article, which appears in the current issue of Shotcrete Magazine. Headlined “Shotcrete Domes: A Model of Sustainability,” the article starts off as follows.

“Shotcrete domes are one of the most economical and sustainable building types known. Using a minimal amount of building materials, their shape provides the largest floor area and volume for the materials while also providing tremendous strength. The insulation and thermal mass provide significantly reduced energy use. The ready availability of concrete and reinforcing steel reduces cost and construction time. The combination of all these factors enables shotcrete domes to be recognized as “green” or environmentally friendly structures.”

Enough said. But if you’d like to read the entire article, it’s available online.