A Village Grows: Progress in New Ngelepen, Indonesia

EcoShell Clusters — DFTW trained native workers to build Monolithic EcoShell Domes. Constructed of concrete, reinforced with steel, EcoShells provide clean, low-energy use, fire-and disaster-resistant homes and public buildings. These dome-homes are arranged in clusters of 12.

Optional Lighting — The village has electricity, but the residents of each EcoShell have the option of either turning on and empowering their homes or not doing so.

MCKs — Six MCKs, EcoShells that include laundry, toilet and shower facilities, were constructed. Each was placed between two neighboring clusters of dome-homes.

Water — Potable water for drinking is stored and available to the villagers.

Roads — In addition to homes, roads were built.

Typical EcoShell Dome — Seventy-two of these homes have been completed and are now in use.

Native Labor — DFTW taught 370 of the villagers the process of building concrete EcoShells.

Economical Construction — Using local labor and materials, EcoShells were built for less than 50% of the cost of conventional structures.

Home Grown Food — Villagers plan, develop and maintain community gardens.

A Better Life — For most of these youngsters, having a clean, safe home and play area is a first.

By Hand — Most of the labor is done by hand.

Progress — A villager diligently works on yet another EcoShell dome.

Equipment — Easily available and easy-to-assemble are musts for the equipment used in this growing village.

Hard Work — Villagers are determined to plant trees for shade and dust control in all the public areas.

Trees — More than 150 trees have been planted and the villagers plan to do more.