Who Needs the Monolithic Portable Concrete Mixer? You do.

The Monolithic Mixer is built with a universal mount plate to fit on all skid steer models. (Monolithic)

The Monolithic Mixer saves time by being able to scoop the materials up in seconds, versus loading others with shovels. With a small amount of practice, and you can easily scoop up the exact amount of materials needed. (Monolithic)

The Monolithic Mixer can hold up to a 1/3 of a yard of concrete, and can mix about 4 yards an hour. (Monolithic)

Easy to use, easy to clean, this mixer will make an awesome addition to your on site capabilities. (Monolithic)

The Monolithic Mixer can discharge concrete by dumping it out, like you would a common skid steer bucket. This can be used to pour side walks, floors, and much more. (Monolithic)

The Monolithic Mixer can also discharge from a chute on the side. This side dump is especially handy for filling post holes, pilings, etc.