Southern Sudan Education Project

Swapp, Bol and Gai — Kristy Swapp, Manute Bol and Abraham Gai. Bol came to Salt Lake City despite short notice and a painful recovery from a terrible car accident to speak at a fundraiser for the SSEP.

Swapp, Bol and Gai — Kristy Swapp, Manute Bol and Abraham Gai. Bol came to Salt Lake City despite short notice and a painful recovery from a terrible car accident to speak at a fundraiser for the SSEP.

Homecoming — Pictured here is the moment when Abraham Gai, separated from his family for 18 years, finally sees his grandmother again.

Homecoming — Pictured here is the moment when Abraham Gai, separated from his family for 18 years, finally sees his grandmother again.

Backpacks — On their second trip to Sudan, Kristy and Abraham distributed more than 350 backpack kits including exercise books, pens, and pencils to the students in Yomchiir and Leilir Primary Schools. They still have 1 ton of school supplies to ship and distribute to the children in Southern Sudan.

Backpacks — On their second trip to Sudan, Kristy and Abraham distributed more than 350 backpack kits including exercise books, pens, and pencils to the students in Yomchiir and Leilir Primary Schools. They still have 1 ton of school supplies to ship and distribute to the children in Southern Sudan.

A Southern Sudan school — Typical primary school in Southern Sudan. Inside the mud huts children sit on dirt mounds and are not protected from termites and harsh weather.

A Southern Sudan school — Typical primary school in Southern Sudan. Inside the mud huts children sit on dirt mounds and are not protected from termites and harsh weather.