A Mural for a Monolithic Dome

Pat Rawlings of Dripping Springs, Texas does specialty murals for NASA, the aerospace industry, libraries, schools, as well as public and private business facilities. (Pat Rawlings)

Rawlings designed a mural for the Monolithic Dome gym at Woodsboro, Texas that depicts their mascot: the Mighty Eagle. The high school’s 20,000-square-foot gym also serves as an auditorium, activity center and the community’s disaster shelter. (Pat Rawlings)

The 60’ wide eagle appears to be swooping into center court with its gaze firmly fixed upon the opposing team. About it Rawlings said, “I was hoping that seeing that enormous eagle coming toward them might be worth a few extra points in a close game.” (Pat Rawlings)

The 100’ wide by 30’ high expanses on either side of the gym floor provided both an opportunity and a challenge for the artist. (Pat Rawlings)

The graceful arcs of the walls drove the design in a curvilinear direction with its large Woodsboro green swooshes. (Pat Rawlings)

The challenge of Woodsboro’s enormous wall was getting the cutout graphics affixed without building a scaffold, since the wall was higher than any conventional extension ladder. Mural installers of Corporate Installations finally settled on using an electric scissor lift to reach the highest levels. (Pat Rawlings)

A mural that Rawlings designed for a library depicts swashbuckling pirates hoarding a treasure chest full of books. (Pat Rawlings)

Designing murals for the aerospace industry is another Rawlings’ specialty. (Pat Rawlings)

For more information about Pat Rawlings, please review his website: www.patrawlings.com (Pat Rawlings)