Wheeler Grain Storage: The grain did a slow burn for several months, while the owner and his team looked for a way to stop it. They were told it would explode, and one night it did! It awakened people four miles away! Note: The lower shell’s super-strong wall held the pressure from the methane explosion, and the top blew off. This is typical. The release of pressure tends to drag the broken roof section back into the dome. Almost no concrete landed outside the floor area.

Wheeler Grain Storage: The grain did a slow burn for several months, while the owner and his team looked for a way to stop it. They were told it would explode, and one night it did! It awakened people four miles away! Note: The lower shell’s super-strong wall held the pressure from the methane explosion, and the top blew off. This is typical. The release of pressure tends to drag the broken roof section back into the dome. Almost no concrete landed outside the floor area.